Configuración FMB920

A continuación  se encuentran las configuraciones básicas del FMB920

How to install USB drivers (Windows)

  1. Please download COM port drivers from Teltonika here.
  2. Extract and run TeltonikaCOMDriver.exe.
  3. Click Next in driver installation window.
  4. In the following window click Install button.
  5. Setup will continue installing the driver and eventually the confirmation window will appear. Click Finish to complete the setup.

Teltonika Configurator

Teltonika Configurator software is a sophisticated tracker management tool. With just one application you can manage several types of devices.

This tool lets you also make firmware updates, device diagnostics, status checks, and debug. Configurator supports connection over USB cable and Bluetooth. Advanced tooltips integration allows you to use configurator without any user manuals.

Configuration (Windows)

At first FMB920 device will have default factory settings set. These settings should be changed according to the user’s needs.
Main configuration can be performed via Teltonika Configurator software. Get the latest FMB920 Configurator version from here. Configurator operates on Microsoft Windows OS and uses prerequisite MS .NET Framework. Make sure you have the correct version installed.


Driver para Teltonika

Teltonika Configurator FMB920


Manual FMB920

Configuración GPRS y server

Configuración Adquisición de datos